Comparative Literature Today: Notes from the Field




Literatura Comparada, interdisciplinaridade, intermedialidade, hermenêutica, Humanidades contemporâneas


O sexto número da Compendium é dedicado à reflexão sobre a situação actual, as práticas cambiantes e as visões divergentes sobre o campo dos Estudos Comparatistas no âmbito das Humanidades neste início do século XXI. Considerando a Literatura como o campo criativo que mais cedo testemunhou a consolidação das abordagens comparatistas, este número oferece artigos e recensões críticas que exploram tópicos relevantes e oportunos, desde debates históricos e geográficos às perspectivas feministas ou à cultura cyborg. Adicionalmente, inclui um questionário em que investigadores de diferentes contextos apresentam o seu envolvimento pessoal com o campo, a sua posição relativamente a algumas questões-chave e a sua visão sobre o futuro próximo.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografias Autor

Ângela Fernandes, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Ângela Fernandes is Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies at the Department of Romance Literatures of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, where she teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on Spanish Literature and Culture, Literary Theory and Comparative Literature. Her areas of research include contemporary Spanish Literature, Iberian Comparative Studies, Literary Theory and the relations between Literature and Science. She is the autor of A Ideia de Humanidade na Literatura do Início do Século XX. Huxley, Malraux, Gómez de la Serna (2013), and co-editor of Looking at Iberia. A Comparative European Perspective (2013), ACT29. Literaturas e Culturas em Portugal e na América Hispânica. Novas perspectivas em diálogo (2014) and Iberian and Translation Studies: Literary Contact Zones (2021).

Donata Meneghelli, Universidade de Bolonha, Itália

Donata Meneghelli is Full Professor at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies of the University of Bologna, where she teaches Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature. She works mainly on narrative and narrative theory, intermediality, literature and photography, literature and painting, cinematic adaptation, and remix culture, all subjects on which she widely published. She wrote extensively on Henry James, Balzac, Joseph Conrad, Robbe-Grillet, William Faulkner, Sophie Calle, Jane Austen. Amongst her publications: Sequel, prequel, altre continuazioni: il testo espanso (2018) and Il valore degli oggetti: Segni, spoglie, scarti nel romanzo dell’Ottocento (2024). As a creative writer, she published Rue Lucien Sampaix (2018; also translated in French).

Jan Baetens, KU Leuven, Bélgica

Jan Baetens is Emeritus Professor of Cultural Studies at the Research Unit of Literary Studies and Cultural Studies, at KULeuven. He specializes on the analysis of so-called minor genres, such as comics and graphic novels, novelizations, and photonovels, all topics on which he has widely published, e.g. he co-edited The Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel (2018). He is also working in the field of poetry studies and French literary history e.g. À Voix haute. Poésie et lecture publique (2016) or Illustrer Proust. Histoire d’un défi (2022). He is also a creative author, having published some twenty collections of poetry, a novel, a nonfiction comic book.


Bertoni, Federico. 2018. “La teoria alla prova”. Comparatismi no. 3: 38-49.

De Gasperi, Giulia & Pivato, Joseph, eds. 2018. Comparative Literature for the New Cen-tury. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Domínguez, César, Haun Saussy, Darío Villanueva. 2015. Introducing Comparative Litera-ture. New Trends and Applications. London and New York: Routledge.

Griffiths, Devin. 2017. “The Comparative Method and the History of the Modern Huma-nities”. History of Humanities 2 (2): 473-505.

Hutchinson, Ben. 2018. Comparative Literature: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Ox-ford University Press.

Marx, William. 2020. Leçon inaugurale de la chair « Litteratures comparées ». Paris, Collège de France. Vivre dans la bibliothèque du monde | Collège de France (




Como Citar

Fernandes, Ângela, Donata Meneghelli, e Jan Baetens. 2024. «Comparative Literature Today: Notes from the Field». Compendium: Journal of Comparative Studies | Revista De Estudos Comparatistas, n. 6 (Dezembro). Lisboa, Portugal:4-9.

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