Numbering the Iberian Letter

Project ENTRIB - Iberian Short Farces




Short farces, Digital Platform, Translation, Editing, Catalogue, Book


More than a mere work tool, the development of Digital Humanities allows the (re)cognition and the dissemination of information that is in danger of being forgotten. The project ENTRIB - Iberian Entremezes & Short farces recovers a part of that heritage, at the confluence of Iberian cultures, not only by organizing the corpus of short farces, but also by editing it, with a particular focus on the comparison between the same texts in different languages of the Iberian Peninsula. For that purpose, a digital platform was developed, which includes a catalogue, intended to be exhaustive, of Peninsular short theatre texts from the 17th and 18th centuries and, at the same time, presents editions of some of those farces. The project has not neglected, simultaneously, the book editions of the plays, which are not, therefore, replaced by the platform. In this article, we will make a brief presentation of the project, together with a reflection on the theoretical basis that sustains it, specifically in what concerns Translation Studies, taking into account the specificities of the 17th and 18th centuries and of the short theatre itself.


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Author Biographies

Andresa Fresta Marques, Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

Andresa Fresta Marques is a researcher at the Centre for Theatre Studies, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon, Portugal. She holds a BA in Artistic Studies and a MA in Textual Criticism from FLUL with a dissertation entitled "Entre a Versão e a Variante: Casos Exemplares de Entremezes Portugueses dos Séculos XVII e XVIII - Edição e Estudo". She is currently a PhD FCT scholarship student in Portuguese and Romance Studies at the same faculty, developing a thesis on the female figure in 17th and 18th century Portuguese short farces.

Ariadne Nunes, IELT - FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Ariadne Nunes (PhD in Comparative Studies 2014) is a research fellow at IELT – Instituto de Estudos de Literatura e Tradição, Nova University of Lisbon, with a post-doctoral project (SFRH/BPD/119071/2016) on Machado de Assis’ last novels. She collaborated on the critical edition of Crónica de D. João I – part I, by Fernão Lopes (IN-CM 2017), and is a member of the team that is editings Camilo Castelo Branco's novels. Among other texts, she edited, with Joana Moura and Marta Pacheco Pinto, Genetic Translation Studies: Conflict and Collaboration in Liminal Spaces (2021).

José Camões, Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

José Camões is a senior researcher at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon and a lecturer in the postgraduate programme in Theatre Studies. PhD in Theatre Studies, he is an integrated researcher at the Centre for Theatre Studies at FLUL, where he develops work on the history of theatre in Portugal, the edition of Portuguese classical theatre and the Digital Humanities. He focuses his research mainly on the XVI-XIX centuries, ensuring the scientific coordination of various projects in the areas of Publishing and History of Theatre in Portugal, including the integral digital edition of the corpus of the theatre of Portuguese authors of the XVI-XVIII centuries.

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How to Cite

Fresta Marques, Andresa, Ariadne Nunes, and José Camões. 2023. “Numbering the Iberian Letter: Project ENTRIB - Iberian Short Farces”. Compendium: Journal of Comparative Studies | Revista De Estudos Comparatistas, no. 3 (June). Lisboa, Portugal:27-44.

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